Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Marketing Blitzkrieg Vol. 8

I got 2 emails last week, one from England and one from Belgium. How cool is it that my book's comparatively meager sales have actually penetrated Europe? I'm kinda psyched thinking about it. It goes to show that networking and being a part of the literary web scene can lead to 'digital' word of mouth.

I also received an email the other day out of the blue from a gentleman who is publishing his memoir of experiences during 9/11. Artie Van Why's (yes that's the name) blog is at: http://www.thatdayinseptember.blogspot.com/ . I read through his account and found his experience and insight fascinating. He was working in a building one block away from Ground Zero. I don't know about you, but I never really get tired of reading about these firsthand accounts connected to 9/11. It's become such a huge part of the fabric of our lives, especially here in the Tri-State area, that I find the emotional pull of such writings irresistable. I thought I'd give him a plug here so that the three people reading my blog could benefit from his experience. I look forward to his memoir when it comes out.

Happy Book Marketing!



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