Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Cheesracing, of All Things

I happened on a website by chance ~ actually four degrees of surfing, read: USA Today - to - Ken What's His Name from Jeopardy Fame - to Mental Floss - to Cheese Racing ~ and as I was checking out the ridiculous new British 'sport' of cheese racing (I might as well give it to you so you don't have to waste time Googling it: I noticed their webcounter.

It was clocked at almost 650,000 page hits. You've got to be kidding me! Last I checked I was barely scratching 1500 (which is actually 500 because I started the counter at 1000 so that people logging on in the beginning didn't think they were the only ones). Sticking plastic wrapped Kraft singles on a grill and watching them expand and blow up has 650,000 hits, and my comely little blog trumping independent arts has 1500 (okay, okay, 500)? UGHHH!

I can't believe it! At first I was shocked, but then the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I should maybe start a ridiculous website about some inane thing and just put a tiny link to my book and presto! Half a million hits. Even if the hits come over 8 years, which seems to be how long cheeseracing has been in existence, I'd still take it. Right now my pace would be about 12,000 hits over the same period (okay, okay, 4,000). So then, what ridiculously inane thing could I come up with? Hmmm... maybe instead of plastic wrapped cheese, I could throw my neighbor kid's Fisher Price Popper toy on the grill and see how long that takes to blow up? (I could call it Or maybe I could throw my other neighbor's pesky little cat that he puts on a leash on the grill and see what happens (come to think of it, that's already been done with a microwave). Better yet, maybe I should throw the neighbor who actually walks his cat on a leash on the grill so I don't have to witness such ridiculous affronts to manhood any more. (I could call it Or perhaps I could throw a pot of a dozen or so boiling eggs on the stove and leave them for a couple hours just to see what it looks (and smells) like afterwards, assuming the house isn't burnt down (I could call it (Hopefully, my wife has a sense of humor. Just don't ask her to hard boil eggs!)

Seems to me the choices are endless. I'd better go and get started. Maybe there is something to this idea of backdoor webtising after all.



At 9:14 PM EDT, Blogger Writer, Rejected said...

I started my counter at 101. I was shocked to see that you could start it wherever you wanted. Maybe the cheese people started theirs at 500,000. Although the stupidity of a world compelled by exploding cheese wouldn't really shock me. Thanks for stopping by Literary Rejections on Display. I am eager to check out your blog more thoroughly and your book. Congratulations, btw! A book in the world is a fine, fine thing.

At 8:07 PM EDT, Blogger Steve said...

Thank you so much Mr. Anonymous Famous Author. I truly am honored that you stopped by long unused website. (They don't call it website for nothing, eh?)
I like your site dedicated to rejection. It's actually very inspiring believe it or not. Thanks for your comments.

Do I know any of your books?


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