Friday, August 18, 2006

Marketing Blitzkrieg Vol. 9

Break out the champagne! My book finally has a ranking on Amazon! Since it first came out in October '05 (has it been that long?) I've been checking Amazon to see if the ranking would ever change from "no ranking, your book isn't worth spit" to some... any... gloriful number.

So I checked it this morning and behold, a NUMBER! A seven digit number, but a number no less. I'm so excited, hehe. #1,427,596 may not quite be a bestseller yet, but I'm sneaking up on it, wait and see. You gotta look at the positive: out of all the books for sale on Amazon, I'm no longer in last place. I feel a tiny bit of vindication. I made a mark. Yeah baby!

The way I see it, it can only go up from here... well, maybe.



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