Friday, January 27, 2006

Marketing Blitzkrieg Vol. 5

Okay, so I got my bumper stickers in the mail, and as usual I can't figure out how to get the dumb things up here for you to look at. Keeps coming upside down. I know, sounds like it should be an easy fix... but that's beside the point.

Point is, the writing is too small. You couldn't read it unless you were right behind me in your car. Now I realize that's the purpose of bumper stickers, but I was hoping the writing would be a little larger so that at least people 2 cars behind me could read it!

Anyway, when I feel like it, I'll go back to the website and this time I will make one that has LARGER writing, even if it just means putting the web address alone on it.

Or maybe I'll get one of those magnetic signs instead and really embarrass my wife!


Monday, January 09, 2006

Marketing Blitzkrieg
Vol. 4

Okay, so the article in the local paper came out and I got great feedback on that. (People at the gym still come up to me and say they loved it.) But, unfortunately, it's short-lived marketing. I'm desperately trying to think out of the box, to think of ways to market that are long lasting - and cheap!

So I come upon this website and learn that I can pretty much make up my own bumper stickers (from templates) with my own pics for as little as 5 bucks. So I did and ordered 2 for $7.95. Man you can't beat that! They should be coming in the mail today and then I'll scan one and throw it up here so you can see what good quality it is. Talk about cheap advertising!

I told my wife about it and she made fun of me, you know, driving around with my own books' bumper sticker on my car - said it was tacky. But if I was a plumber or electrician, wouldn't I have a sign on my vehicle advertising that fact? And a big sign at that, not even a bumper sticker! So why not an author driving around advertising his own book? I don't see the tackiness at all. I see cheap, original advertising. Nothing wrong with that! You gotta believe in your own stuff, if you don't what can you believe in?

The other day I also read an article about Matt Damon wanting to write another screen play after he wraps up acting in his latest film. So I sent a copy of my book to his publicist with a note to pass it on to him. I'm sure I'm not the first person to do this, but - to borrow the very appropos NY Lottery phrase - hey, you never know.


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