Monday, April 03, 2006

Marketing Blitzkrieg Vol. 7

Well now. Obviously there's not much happening on the marketing front here. I haven't sent anything to Tom Cruise yet. Got to get myself psyched up for the rejection factor first and I'm just not there yet.

My bumper sticker is in place and has been producing zero results. And I just saw at my gym this morning, they had taken down my cut sheet advertising my book. I complained (halfheartedly) and Carol the Receptionist offered to put another one back up, which was mighty nice of her.

I think about my book marketing and I get depressed. I don't know what else to do. Got no money for advertising. Have to rely on word of mouth and the word right now is 'nothing'!

All the different book buzz ways of marketing that I read on the net require funds that I don't have. So...

Got any suggestions for getting out of the book marketing doldrums?


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